When moving to a new place, you sort out your items to know what to carry, what to leave behind and what to throw. If you own pets, this is another consideration you have to make. You ought to find a way of moving with your pets while ensuring they are safe and comfortable. Moving your pets can come with several challenges. Therefore, we have compiled several things you should know about moving your pets.
Stick to Your Routine
Pets like dogs are habit animals. Therefore, changing their habits can increase stress and anxiety. Therefore, stick to the routine throughout the moving process until the last day. It may be tempting to skip some things when you have a lot on your do-to list. However, the disruption will only leave you with an unhappy pet. Therefore, stick to the routine by feeding them as usual, taking them for walks, bathing them, and playing. This will keep their stress levels down. Make sure you also return to the routine immediately after getting to your new place.
Pack in Advance
It is also crucial to ensure you gather packing supplies early enough. For instance, the ASPCA requires you to have the right crates for moving your pets. So, get the containers early and ensure your pets are familiar with them. It can also be a good idea to leave the moving boxes around the rooms to reduce pet curiosity. You can also make it easy by hiring movers to do the job. Herlihy Moving can make your pet moving easy so that you get to your new place with happy pets.
Talk to the Vet
Talking to your vet to help you manage to move with pets is crucial. Check if there is any vaccination you might need. Ensure you also get the prescriptions stocked, so you don’t have to visit the vet during this time. It is also crucial to discuss ways of reducing stress for your pets and available supplements to reduce anxiety. The expert can also recommend another great vet in your new area to ensure you get the same quality services. The vet will also help you know if sedation will be necessary when moving.
Pack a Bag of Emergencies
Make it stress-free when moving by ensuring you have a bag of emergencies. So, bring a box of essentials that carry treats, medication, a soft blanket, food, water and bowls, paper towels, and others.
Keep the Pets Entertained
It will be a busy time when packing for a move, so you might not have enough time for your pets. However, you ought to find a way of keeping them entertained so that they can also burn energy. Use brain games or outdoor plays. Keeping your pet busy will also make it tired, so it will be calm to give you ample time to pack.
Inform Yourself about Pet Laws
Before moving, please familiarize yourself with pet laws to ensure you don’t violate them. This is crucial, especially if you move to a new state or country. If you are moving to a rental apartment, make sure you know the rules. You should also update the tags before moving ad update the info online.
Even with everything on your list, keeping your pets happy and entertained is crucial. Make moving with your pets easy by following the tips above. Most importantly, stick to the routine and hire movers to help you.